Information on the examination phase

Foto: Jan Bergfeld
Dear students,
here you will find relevant information about the exam phase. Please also note that this information may need to be adjusted. Please inform yourself about the current regulations approximately one week before your examination and be sure to follow the instructions.
If you have any questions, you can contact klausuren[at]
Information of the Examination Board
As a participant in the examination, please note the following information from the examination board. Failure to do so may result in failing the exam.
NR 10/2022 - Information für Klausurteilnehmer*innen
NR 12/2022 - Rücktritt von Prüfungen
NR 02/2023 - Benutzung der Uni-Halle
NR 03/2023 - Klausurteilnahme
Withdrawal from examinations
After expiry of the deregistration deadline, withdrawal is only possible for valid reasons. A corresponding declaration of withdrawal must be received by the examination office on the day of the examination at the latest.
Failure to appear for the examination without a valid reason will result in failing the exam.
The withdrawal procedure is described in detail in the information "NR 12/2022 - Withdrawal from examinations (only available in German)". You can find the attestation form here. Please only use the new attestation form and make sure that the certifying doctor completes the attestation form in full.
Summons to the examination
You will receive information about your exam registration and the exam procedure approx. 5 days before the exam in the form of the " Summons to the Examination" by e-mail to your university e-mail address. Please make sure that this mailbox is reachable and not full, for example, as otherwise important information cannot be sent to you.
If necessary, you can increase the storage space of your mailbox on the mail server ("quota") yourself via ZIM.
You will receive an e-mail approximately five days before each exam with exact information about the examination start time. For the current examination period there are three time slots per examination day in which examinations can potentially start:
09:00am - 10:30am
12:00pm - 01:30pm
03:00pm - 04:30pm
05:30pm - 07:00pm
Please arrive at the exam room 10-20 minutes before the exam starts and immediately take your assigned seat.
You will receive an email with your assigned exam room and seat approximately five days before each exam.
There will be no displaying of the seat assignment in the exam room!
Directions and further information on the individual exam rooms can be found below under the headline "Examination Rooms".
You must bring the following with you to the exam:
- An official photo identification (identity card, passport, residence permit, driving licence) and, if applicable, dgti supplementary ID card
- Your Student ID Card
- Proof that you have either been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative..
- Writing and possibly drawing utensils
- The aids permitted for the respective exam
You can bring the following to the exam:
- Food
- Beverages
- Clock
Please try to bring as few other items (jackets, backpacks, helmets etc.) into the exam room as possible. It is not allowed to bring mobile phones, smart watches or similar devices into the exam room.
Based on the decision of the Examination Board, a "non-programmable calculator" ("nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner") is defined by the fact that it is a scientific calculator that
- cannot execute programs, scripts or sequences that you have created or loaded yourself or has any other program functions,
- cannot store texts or formulas,
- cannot communicate with other devices via wireless interfaces (e.g. Bluetooth, WLAN, mobile radio, infrared or similar),
- does not have an alphanumeric keyboard,
- does not have a graphic display (e.g. for displaying function graphs or similar).
The decision has also been published in the information "NR 02/2024 - Nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner als zugelassenes Hilfsmittel".
Examination rooms
The Uni-Halle is used by the university to hold exams. Please note the "Information NR_02/2023 Benutzung der Uni-Halle" issued by the Examination Board.
Adress: Albert-Einstein-Straße 20, 42119 Wuppertal
Public transport stops: "Unihalle" or "Universität" (approx. 15min walk)
You enter the Uni-Halle through the signposted participants' entrance, not through the visitors' entrance.
Please note that you may only enter the Uni-Halle with clean indoor sports shoes that you have not already worn on the way to the Uni-Halle (i.e. outside). This will be checked at the entrance and you may be asked to take off your street shoes.
The following seminar rooms in building M and N are used for examinations:
- M.12.25
- M.14.22
- M.14.25
- M.15.09
- M.15.13
- M.16.11
- N.11.12
- N.11.16
Preliminary lists of examiners and exam dates

Foto: Jan Bergfeld
The Examination Board hereby announces the appointed examiners and preliminary examination dates for this semester examinations.
General rules:
- Examination days are only binding after registration for the examination.
- Examination times only become binding with the announcement of the personal room and seat allocation approx. five days before the examination.
The schedule for the semester incl. the deadlines for the application for admission to the Bachelor's or Master's examination ( deadline!) and the registration periods for the examinations ( deadline!) can be found here.
B.Sc. Wirtschaftwissenschaft (184-82)
B.Sc. Gesundheitsökonomie und -management (483-82)
B.Sc. berufsintegriert Gesundheitsökonomie und -management (483-BB)
Kombinatorischer Bachelor of Arts Teilstudiengang Wirtschaftswissenschaft (184-BA)
Kombinatorischer Bachelor of Arts Teilstudiengang Optionalbereich (wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Module) (OB-BA)
M.Sc. Applied Economics (MW3-88)
M.Sc. Entrepreneurship und Innovation (MW2-88)
M.Sc. Finanzen, Wirtschaftsprüfung, Controlling und Steuern (MW1-88)
M.Sc. Gesundheitsökonomie und -management (483-88)
M.Sc. Management und Marketing (MW4-88)
M.Sc. Operations Management (MW5-88)
M.Sc. Sustainability Management (MW6-88)
M.Ed. Teilstudiengang Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Steuern (FRW-MB)
M.Ed. Teilstudiengang Produktion, Logistik, Absatz (PLA-MB)
M.Ed. Teilstudiengang Sektorales Management (SMM-MB)
M.Ed. Teilstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (846-MB)
M.Ed. Teilstudiengang Wirtschaftswissenschaft (184-MB)
Stand: 22.10.2024